Time for a RANT

Microsoft needs to take UEFI and put it where, well, use your imagination.  One of the things I love has been ripped from me by this crap.  Mutlisystem usb allows for up to 10 distros to be installed on 1 usb stick.  Since I bought this lappy I can no longer make it function because of UEFI.  I don’t know if its my distrust of microsoft or if I don’t have the knowledge to make it work now, what I do know is I feel as if my right to enjoy what I want on a computer is being taken away.  Since when do they have the right to tell me what I can do with MY things I own?  How about this new rule?  No conservative that is backed by corporate America can use open source because it goes against all they believe in.  HEHE  This is really a good way to get rid of stress!

Making a switch

Contemplating a switch of desktops again.  Looks like maybe kde is where I am going.  I like plenty of toys on the panel and xfce did the trick on the old lappy, but, I have  new 1 and it can handle a heavy load.  The only problem I am having is which distro.  Been Xubuntu for the last 3 years and Ubuntu for 4 years before that I really can’t see a reason to switch other than trying something new.

Something to think about: If you type windows into the xfce desktop dictionary, it only mentions Microjunk, and, if you type desktop into the same, it only mentions Apple.  The word distro is a synonym for distribution, even though it is most commonly used to describe 1 of the Linux distributions.  I could go on, but it won’t make a dif.

Winter Blues

Talk about the blues, I moved from Florida to Chicago at he request of the company I work for.  It has been 2 months and the snow has not melted yet.  Staring out the back at the deck and patio furniture is not helping!(hahaha)